Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The art of W H A C K I N G

Oh did I mentioned that I've learned a lot from my beloved subzone leader?
The powerful Shirley Boon has taught me some quite important lesson yet again
It's like... so much it blown me away! *fuhh*
Through the way she does things, I was like...
'okay, so that's what we should do, how we should say, from this angle hmmm...'
'Ohh I see...'

Hahaa. Confused?
Well just say that,
out of the heart to protect a member (together with other members as well),
she 'whack' (confront) someone with a heart of love and integrity
I am sure I couldn't do what she has done.

One simple morning breakfast over the table, I am just so amazed.

Then God reveal to me:
'Shirley did it because she wants to love, to teach, not only to protect the members,
BUT also that this someone to learn to live a better life'
She did it out of love, if me... I am sure I will be so blinded,
and I will do it out of confrontation =/
*I admit and am being very honest here*
So maybe I wont be harsh, still.
She did it in such a good way,
not harsh, but firm
teaching on our CHC uncompromising culture,
not condemning, but loving
imparting, and full of compassion at the same time,
She really did 'whacked' that someone hard,
yet she sincerely want that someone to live a better life.

I have so much more to learn!

Okay I seriously need to focus on my assignment

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